The Portable Document Files (PDFs) in this
section require a reader to access the selected file. Follow the instructions at the right
to download the reader. Once loaded, click on the file name to view, to print, or to save
the file.
Toll Roll.PDF -- describes how to make a tool pouch to hold your tools.
Strop.PDF -- describes how to make your own strop.
benchook.PDF -- describes how to make your own bench hook for relief carvings.
Pallet.PDF -- print this on 8½ x 11 card (index) stock. Use it for mixing
colors and retain as a "paint chip". |
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Acrobat® Reader®
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![getacro.gif (1090 bytes)](IMAGES/getacro.gif)
The files in this section are Hyper Text
Markup (HTML) files and can be viewed with your browser.BOARD.HTM
-- describes how to make a holding board for small relief carvings.
MRG-MHRT.HTM -- describes how to carve our Merging Heart pattern.
PAT FAC.HTM -- describes how to carve a folk art kitty.
PAT-PATCH.HTM -- describes how to carve our patchwork heart pattern.
SNW-MAN.HTM -- describes how to carve a snowman head pattern.
HEAD.HTM -- shows profile and layout rules for the human head.
BOARD.HTM -- provides a pattern for a small carving board. This handy gizmo is good
for use with kerchief slides or bolos. We use it for low-relief Christmas ornaments. |
![FAC.JPG (12087 bytes)](IMAGES/FAC.gif)
Typical Template |